Specializing in
$150,000,000+ WON FOR OUR CLIENTS
Government Contract
Business Assistance
Industry Diversity
Professional Leadership

About Us
Bryant Alliance, LLC is a small business based in north Florida. We provide a variety of procurement and logistical services to the United States Government. Our team of professionals provides a high level of expertise to ensure that every action is delivered on cost and on time.
Led by a team of prior Air Force Contracting professionals, Bryant Alliance understands what it takes to position your company in the best way possible to achieve contract award. Our team has experience in the writing, negotiating, and administering of over $2 Billion dollars in Government contracts.
Our Services
Last year, the United States Federal Government bought nearly $100 billion worth of goods and services from small businesses.
Getting Started - Registration & Certification
Bid, Proposal
Bid, Proposal & Award
Technical and Business Assistance for SBIR/STTR Proposers

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